Saturday, October 16, 2010

Dump the Bucket List and Design the Bucket

The new call of the wild for the Midsters in our society is to create the Bucket List. We've done our duty, worked, raised kids, retired and now they tell us to write a new fangled "to do" list. It amazes me how many people are falling for this pep rally as we run toward the finish line.

More and more people are confusing filling up a day with having a sense of purpose. Little time is spent on creating a meaningful context for our activities. We are still buying into the myths that compulsive over achievement and the completion of tasks and activities are the keys to fulfillment. Every time I am met with this trite dialogue, I ask the questions "Who are You?", What Makes You Remarkable?, What do you want to be Known for? What is your Purpose?.

These questions are meant to design the bucket that you fill your activities with. Activities that matter to your quest to becoming your true self. Does going to China really have anything to do with fulfilling your ultimate dream? Does learning the piano have anything to do with understanding your true worth? Does being in the audience for Oprah's last season have anything to do with your legacy? If the answer is yes, then you understand that designing the bucket first will have a lot to say about what you put into it. Plainly, know your purpose, then take all the steps to fulfill it. Yes, there will be detours and spontaneous meanderings along the way, but one thing for least you know where you 're headed.


1 comment:

  1. Brenda,

    I absolutely understand where you're coming from. Though I absolutely agree with the theory of designing a bucket, have you considered that a persons true worth can be determinded on their OWN life worth. Their own well-being and happiness. Though the theory sounds selfish, I dont believe that you have to change the world or impact every person you meet to have a life worth being lived. If life lived, even on a selfish level, finds its worth in sitting in Oprah's audience, or sky diving from a plane, maybe that worth is individual, but still fulfilling. When its all said and done...who does your life have to be fulfilling to?? Is it your children? Is it your husband? Or is it very simply, yourself? Just playing a little devils advocate, making conversation fun. :)

